Check-In time:
Between 2pm & 6pm. If you are going to be later than 6pm, please phone me on (03) 447 3560 or 021 929 267.
If you are riding the trail (booked through a Rail Trail provider), your bags are usually dropped off to us before 2pm, so will be waiting for you when you arrive.
Check-Out time:
10am – you’ll want to get back on the trail sooner rather than later, but a later check-out of a studio room should be OK as long as you let us know when you check-in.
If you have booked through a Rail Trail provider, they will set a time that your bags have to be ready for pickup from the front office. This is usually around 9am, so even if you want to leave a bit later than this, you’ll still need to have bags packed and ready to go earlier.
Pet Policy:
For the comfort of other and future guests we have a strict “no pets in the rooms” policy.